Suicide Conversation Skills 19/4/2024


Event Details

Learning to talk about suicide - safely
Talking about suicide can feel uncomfortable, unsafe and challenging. But it doesn't have to be. Knowing what to say, where to find help and how to guide the conversation are skills that can be learned.
This short workshop is designed to provide everyone with the language skills to talk safely about suicide.
Using the Recognise, Respond, and Refer Lifeline framework to structure the workshop, we explore guiding a conversation from beginning to end. Starting with understanding why someone may consider suicide, preparing yourself mentally, ways to begin the conversation, right through to asking if they are considering suicide, suggesting referral pathways, and taking care of yourself once the conversation is over.
* Warning: this workshop is not therapy or a support group and is not recommended for people recently bereaved by suicide.
  • To equip participants with the knowledge and skills to have safe and effective conversations about suicide.
  • To increase participants' confidence in approaching and supporting individuals potentially at risk of suicide.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this training participants will be able to:
  • Guide conversations around suicide with more confidence
  • Explain (understand) the reason why people may consider suicide (barriers)
  • Recognise the risks factors and signs of suicidality
  • Use safe language
  • Normalise conversations around suicide
  • Ask whether someone is considering suicide
  • Refer to appropriate support
  • Put in place self-care practices
Workshop Experience
This 3-hour workshop is very practical - using active learning, group discussions, role plays, scenarios, curly and frequently asked questions, and take home learning aids.
We choose to use nurturing, comfortable, and convenient venues. Tea and coffee will be available. 

Presenter Details

James Ryan 

Pricing Details


